Academically Excellent. Passionately Christ-Centered.

We aim to cultivate students’ souls through truth, goodness, and beauty.
Emmanuel Christian School is a ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church and a member of the Association of Classical Christian Schools.
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The Pastoral Vision & Foundation of
Emmanuel Christian School
Christian Education is essential.
We believe strongly that parents have the sole moral responsibility to bring their children up in the “training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) by providing their children with a Godly environment for instruction that is saturated with the Scriptures (Deut. 6:1-9) and one that teaches their children to “love God with all their minds” (Matt 22:37). We reject the notion that education can be neutral and recognize the potentially devastating effects that secular education could have on our children.
For this reason, our school seeks diligently to create a climate of support for Christian Education that embraces all forms of Christian Education that have these goals in mind– whether it be Christian school or homeschool and seeks to wholeheartedly support parents in their endeavors to provide a Christian education to their children regardless of the path they take.
Parents, churches, and schools must work together to make Christian Education a reality for every child. -
Christian education must be accessible.
Because Christian Education is essential, we also believe it must be accessible. God is not a respecter of persons and we should do everything within our power to eliminate any financial or academic barriers that would keep those who desire a Christian education for their children from obtaining it. Practically, this means keeping tuition costs as low as possible while continuing to support each student at his/her individual academic level.
We believe the Church also has a moral obligation to support the school in this critical and essential mission by investing in the school and calling Christians to join in this mission. Parents also must make every effort to support the Christian school as ultimately the responsibility to provide a Christian Education falls on them. -
Christian Education is christ-centered.
Most important of all, we believe that Christian Education must be Christ-centered. We must understand the entire world in light of Christ; He is the light in which we see truth. Christians simply cannot understand the world in a Biblical way without reference to Jesus Christ.
For this reason, Emmanuel Christian School strives to teach subjects as a part of an integrated whole with the Scriptures at the center (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Col 1:15-20), provide a clear model of Biblical Christian life through our staff and board (Matt. 22:37-40; Matt 5:13-16), and encourage every child to begin and develop his relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Matt 19:13-15).
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